Welcome to another instalment of the A to Z of Business Communication where we will be focussing on a feature of VoIP phone systems: desktop access. The aim of this series is to inform readers about the benefits and underlying technology of our telephone systems.
To keep in touch with employees and other stakeholders. Whether your company is dealing with a crisis like the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic or simply wanting to give your employees more flexibility, today’s remote working solutions make it simple for teams to be productive no matter where they are.
The desk phones that we offer have desktop applications that give you complete access to your call handling, voicemail, and other VoIP features. This means that you can easily access calls via on your computer, and you’ll be able to keep in touch with your whole team and clients.
Flexibility is required and expected in today’s workforce. Workers who work from home can now communicate with co-workers and management as if they were in the office. There is also support for mobile applications meaning that you no longer need to switch from different devices or multiple apps to get the job done by providing employees with a single application for voice, video, messaging, presence, audio conferencing, mobility and team collaboration.
You can also easily switch seamlessly between devices, you can stop a conversation on one device and then continue it on another. A single number across desktop, phone, laptop, and mobile app ensures a smooth experience. Customers want quick and accurate responses, and business owners want a consistent experience when customers contact them. A VoIP phone system with desktop and mobile apps provides a number of benefits, including saving time and improved customer satisfaction.
That’s it for this week’s issue, watch out for next week’s issue: E is for Employee Benefits.
If we can help you with anything related to this article or anything regarding business communication, then please do not hesitate to contact us.